Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Two months since my last post and I'm feeling like a b-a-d missionary for not keeping my blog updated. How is it that I have the time to read thousands of other peoples blogs (ok, a slight exaggeration)..... you know the ones with all the beautiful artsy photos and deep soul stirring post....yet can't seem to find the time to do my own! Arg!

Truth is, I HATE blogging! I procrastinate, make excuses, get distracted, scroll facebook...just about anything to keep from doing my blog (and all this usually around!) 

Let me also say I'm also terrible at taking pictures. I don't' like carrying a camera around and when I do...... I forget I'm suppose to actually use it. My dear friend Bev, trying to make me feel better, said it's because I "get so busy with the people".

Sounds like a nice way of saying I prefer to talk!

Does this mean I'm  a horrible missionary,ADD, bad communicator, not organized enough......?????

Paul, Peter, Luke, John and all the other writers of the NT should have been glad they didn't have blogging in their day. Then again,  I don't write many letters either.....!

Thankfully my friend Joanna loves taking pictures and updating her blog. She's a brilliantly detailed person (a highly under rated quality) and she blogs weekly- my Mom loves her for this!! 

Well, that's my rant/confession for the day. Not exactly an update, but hey, I've put a link to Joanna's blog at the bottom of the page for that :)


Youth Discipleship Ministry



Rodgers & Evans 




Sharing  :)


Learning together :)


Women's Ministry

Link to Joanna's blog --->