Friday, October 5, 2012

Sharing "Hope".....

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." Heb 10:23

As I prepare to blog the monthly updates, I always enjoy reviewing the events and activities that have taken place. I've also come to realize that each month has it's own flavor, or theme, so to speak. This past month seemed to be one of  "sharing hope". 

The noise of the world we live in is loud and constantly bombarding us with problems. Living in a developing country such as Kenya, the temptation to focus on the "problems" seems even greater as people have more than their fair share. Tribal conflicts, terrorist threats, rampant diseases and non-existent health care facilities, extreme poverty, domestic violence, mass unemployment and on and on. 

However, when we focus on the problems we tend to be anxious, worried and troubled.  Matthew 6: 23-34 tells us that worry will not add a single hour to our life!  New Hope's mission is to be an active change agent in helping people face their day-to-day problems, both big and small, and provide fresh encouragement in recalling the Hope we have in Christ and His many Promises!  This past month we were able to do that through informal meetings, prayer sessions, group teachings and various ministry events. 
Below are a few highlights.

  Daniel and Amani Ngae
"Share one another's burdens and in this way obey the law of Christ."  Gal 6:2

Dan & Amani are old friends that we served on missions teams with back in 2006 & 2007. They, with their daughter Nehtania, are now missionaries in Olturot Kenya (Northern regions of Kenya) where they witness to the Samburu, an unreached people group.  While they were in Nairobi recently attending a Missions Conference, we were able to visit and pray together for the work God is doing through them. Living in remote harsh desert-like conditions, they face numerous challenges both physically and spiritually.

Dan & Amani ask for the following prayers;
 1) for God to touch the hearts of the people they are witnessing to, so they may give their lives to Christ 2) for the health and safety of their family 3) for the Lord to send more missionaries

LIFE Group
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.John 13:35

Joanna and I continue to be involved in Life Community Church's weekly cell group, by hosting the  Tuesday night meetings at our apartment and having weekly meetings with our cell partners. 

Gladys (on left) and Saru (on right) are my LIFE group partners. It has been such a blessing meeting with them each week to spend time in prayer and share how the Lord is transforming our lives! 

DISC Survey Class  
"But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose." 
1 Cor 12:18                  
Recently we attended the DISC Survey event at Life Community Church to help us better understand the dynamics of working together as a Team. The DISC Survey helped us identify and understand our own personal behavior styles and the various styles of others. The insight we gained will be valuable in allowing us to communicate, relate, work and resolve conflict effectively as we minister.

Dr. Les Brickman and his wife Twyla from Strategic Cell Ministries 
International (SCMI) taught the class.

We had a full house and time for questions.

Trip Upcountry
"From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love." Eph 4:16

During the month of September we also travelled upcountry to Western Kenya where we visited with family and friends. During the course of the trip there was teaching, preaching, praying and fun!

Visiting the pupils at the CML Academy, the youngest ones were excited to show us the work they had completed for the day!

Attending the local church on Sunday I shared a message with the congregation and my nephew Tom translated.  He did a great job and it gave him good experience in public speaking.

Joanna and I also took time to visit with Benta and Momma Ester, 
both widows and beautiful faith-filled ladies of the church! 

Joanna with Benta & her son after church.
Momma Ester
We were also able to meet with Tim and Jenni Jarvis while traveling.  They are short-term missionaries currently serving at a children's home not far from Kisumu.

Jenni is a nurse and has her hands full caring for the large number of children at the home where they are staying. I was able to lend her two medical books and provide a few supplies. Every little bit helps in an area where there are few resources!

While in Kisumu we visited with Tabitha, my sister-in-law, and provided her with some needed food supplies. As a single mom with three children she struggles to stretch her meager monthly salary and make ends meet. We were truly blessed by the time we spent visiting & praying with her and sharing words of encouragement!

Me, Joanna, Tabitha and her neighbor Eunice
The day before we headed back to Nairobi we were removing some stored items from the Library and found a bag of "salvation" bracelets that had been made several years ago by the youth at my home church - Dandridge First United Methodist. Never too old to learn, Tom was interested in knowing the salvation story that is told when we hand the bracelets out.

Each bead has a special meaning in telling the story of 
Jesus and how we receive salvation.  
Tom practiced telling the story, bead by bead, until he got it perfect!

Soon we had drawn a crowd and we shared the story with each of them!

 Both Martin and Jim wanted bracelets and even took extras so they could "go tell" their friends about Jesus. I love how quickly children grasp the love of God and are willing to share it!


Women's Ministry in Kibera
"To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ."Eph 4:12

Once we were back in Nairobi, we joined Twyla Brickman with Strategic Cell Ministries International, in ministering to women in the Kibera slum. Although most of the ladies speak English it's always good to use a translator so there is complete understanding of what is being taught. Pastor Leonard, did a great job of translating and also brought his wife along!

Pastor Leonard meeting with us before the sessions began.

Kibera is the largest slum in East Africa and as you would expect the challenges of poverty, disease and crime can seem overwhelming for those living there. The ladies we met with were Pastors, Pastor's wives and church leaders in need of encouragement.
Responsible for taking care of their families, husbands and church members in the midst of deplorable conditions, these ladies need the refreshment, support and edification that God's word gives. This event was the first of what I believe will be many as we minister "new hope" to those on the front line of slum ministry! In addition to a teaching session by our friend Twyla and an Open Forum that I conducted, we asked each of the ladies to write down their personal struggles and prayer requests so we can stand with them in prayer. 

The main prayer concerns the ladies had were for:
 1) finances to sustain their families and help their children attend school
 2) strength to perform their many duties 
 3) their church members to grow in the Lord
4) improved health care facilities in the slum

Twyla teaching
The ladies were attentive and taking notes!
This little guy couldnt' stay awake though. 

Prayer is an essential part of overcoming problems and helps us stand together in Hope! 

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." Heb 13:2 

Last, but by no means least, is the hospitality we are committed to extending as part of our lifestyle. As we encounter people seeking shelter, prayer, friendship, resource connections or simply wanting to visit and fellowship..... it is our prayer that the peace 
and power of the Lord will be manifest in all our interactions!  

Ryan & Justine had lunch with us before we took them to Harvest Impact to buy Discipleship materials. 
Joanna's mom, Alex (far left), spent all of Sept with us! She really enjoyed helping us host the ladies LIFE Group,
meeting our ministry partners and traveling upcountry. She's a real trooper!

Alex treated us all to lunch the Sunday before she left as a "thank you & farewell" to the Brickmans!   
Audrey Jones was an overnight visitor during a brief visit to Kenya.

Various visitors joined us for meals during our time upcountry.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

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