Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bible Study in Kibera!

This morning we were privileged to share God's word with some amazing ladies in the Kibera slum.  We met at the Free Pentecostal Church.  They are all either Pastor's wives, Pastors themselves or leaders in their church.  It was a delightful day which began at 9am.  By about 9:30 there were 6 of us...4 of the ladies and Joanna and me.

We decided to arrange the chairs in a the 'early birds' got to help set the chairs!
This is Rachel...her little boy was a source of entertainment the whole morning but amazingly did NOT disrupt the teaching :)
We all had name badges to get to know each other
 The day began with a time of praise and there are 5 ladies :)
Registration...I was in charge of that...
Many ladies arrived during the time of singing...when I opened my eyes the numbers had doubled!
 Widening the circle to include more ladies...I love the way everyone pitched in to help!
The lesson today was entitled The Red Sea Rules and was based on Exodus 14 & 15
All the ladies had their Bibles...
...and seemed to love reading them...
When it was time to read a passage the ladies were eager to take turns...
First in English and then in Swahili since many of the ladies spoke only limited English...and definitely not American English and DEFINITELY not American English with a southern accent!
 Rachel juggling baby, handout and Bible!
Greeting Joyce who came in a bit late...
Rev 12:11 They triumphed over him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony
This is Patricia diligently taking notes.  We have invited the ladies to use whatever materials we introduce at their home churches.  Our wish is that each one would have a positive impact on the ladies in their circle of influence.
I invited the ladies to share a recent story of how God has worked powerfully in their lives.  Josephine translated for me so that all the ladies could understand the request.
 First Rachel Swahili
 Here Josephine is translating for me so I could know what Rachel shared...
Stella shared...
There were amazing stories of physical healing, restored relationships, children's school fees being covered (a common need among these women) - how exciting to hear stories of how God works!
We were encouraged by how quickly and easily the ladies were willing to share openly...see the kids in the doorway?
 There is a school on the church grounds and during their break they became quite curious!
 I think Patricia is a pastor!  She loves to share and is quite animated!
Lining up for their morning Uji (porridge) then they were quite active and noisy!  But - we were quite impressed with how minor the interruption was...often when a Mzungu (white person) is around kids can't resist engaging...
Each week we will begin with a time of praise and worship and then sharing a few testimonies to help us focus on God and how great He is...
 We had a total of 20 ladies attend today!  Full capacity as far as we are concerned!
Dorothy read from 1Cor 10:1-6 to set the foundation for the study.  This passage refers to the story covered in Ex 14 when Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt.
 There are 10 "Red Sea Rules"...Rule #1 "Realize that God means for you to be where you are."
 The scripture passage is Ex 14:1-2, Rom 8:28
No matter where we find ourselves, whatever crisis we may be facing, when we know that it is where God means for us to be then we can more readily trust that He also has a purpose for that time.
 Stella concentrating on the passage...
Making a point...helping the ladies grasp and internalize the concept.
 Rule #2 "Be more concerned for God's glory than for your relief."
 Scripture passage: Ex 14:3-4
 Rule #3 "Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord."
 Scripture passage: Ex 14:5-9
More ladies arrive!
 More room is made as more ladies arrive...
Rule #4 "Pray!"  Scripture passage Ex 14:10  In every testimony shared earlier the ladies had spent time in prayer before experiencing the miracle God wanted to perform...praying is critical!
 Dorothy helping our newest member to find her place...
 Rule #5 "Stay calm and confident, and give God time to work."  Scripture passage: Ex 14:13-14 "Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today."

Demonstrating 'standing firm'
When you are not standing firm, you can be easily knocked over

 Rule #6 "When unsure, just take the next logical step by faith."  Scripture passage Ex 14:15
This may be my personal favorite (although they are all awesome!)...but I feel like that is how we are  living right now...taking the next logical step by faith...and then the next logical step...and then...
Rule #7 "Envision God's enveloping presence."  Scripture passage: Ex 14:19-20...the ladies did not know the word enveloping so I explained it and now they have a new word!
Rule #8 "Trust God to deliver in His own unique way."  Scripture passage: Ex 14:21.  God is creative and there is no limit to the number of ways He can work in our lives.
Rule #9 "View your current crisis as a faith builder for the future." Scripture passage: Ex 14:30-31. and Rule #10 "Don't forget to praise Him."  Scripture passage Ex 15 - this is the song of Moses and Miriam...
Then Josephine shared an amazing story of how God restored a relationship between her and a neighbor just this past week, using a neighborhood fire!  During the study she suddenly remembered the story and realized it was a perfect example of a unique way in which God delivered her!
Then Nancy shared a story ending with "I guess I need to realize that God means for me to be here." - wow!  that was powerful...when she arrived this morning she was looking for a way out of a difficult situation and now she is waiting to see what God will His unique way!
Dorothy shared an awesome story of a time when her husband had responded to a challenging situation with wisdom and chose to 'be still and trust God in this' the time she was angry and could not understand how he could respond in that way...
But - now she can see that he did, indeed, act with wisdom and now has an awesome illustration of Rule #5!
The ladies with raised hands are ones who attended a two hour teaching in September led by our mutual friend Twyla Brickman...
We ended by standing in a circle as we prayed...for needs shared during the study, for personal needs and just being thankful for our gracious Heavenly Father...
 Serah (pictured above in the hat) closed the meeting in!
 Rachel's little guy conked out and here he is resting his hand on hers...sweet!
Then we all embraced and shared our goodbyes...looking forward to coming back together again next week!
Serah stayed after to share a bit of her story...she runs an orphanage and often does not know where she will find the means to feed and clothe the kids...but God is always faithful to supply her every need.
 Rose is Serah's friend and also shared part of her story; of struggle and triumph.
These ladies (all of them) are truly inspiring!  They have each faced tremendous challenges and have seen the faithfulness of God.  Our faith was built today as we were privileged to spend time in the presence of ones who have faced incredible odds and have overcome in the power of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this with me Denise. Great to see you in ministry and to see each of the women digging into the Word! Thanks for taking the time to share all the pics! May God bless you today as you discover where following HIm leads you and what adventures await!
